
All latest news in “Africa” available here. Latest breaking news, daily news and hot news of African politics, business, sports, health, technology and so on

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood banned from politics

The largest group representing political Sunni Islam in Egypt for the past 90 years has been banned from politics, after being labelled a “terrorist”...
international womens day -

Happy International Women’s Day 2018 International Women’s Day is held on March 8th each year to celebrate women’s economic, political, and cultural achievements. Google Search Trends data shows that the...

Egypt ‘elections’: Voters weigh in on ‘foregone conclusion’

Millions of voters in Egypt will begin to head to the polls on Monday, in a three-day presidential election that political analysts say already...

El-Sisi wins Egypt election with 92 percent: state media

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has won re-election as Egypt's president, according to preliminary results reported by a number of state media outlets, showing the former...

Nigeria talking to Boko Haram about possible ceasefire

Nigeria’s government is in talks with Islamist militant group Boko Haram about a possible ceasefire with the ultimate aim of securing a permanent cessation...