
Andrew Yan-Tak Ng is a Chinese American computer scientist. He is the former head of AI initiatives at Google and chief scientist at Baidu, founder and CEO of, and Coursera. He is also an adjunct professor at Stanford University. Andrew Ng thinks that AI is the new electricity....
sal khan -
Salman Khan is an American educator and entrepreneur who founded the Khan Academy, a free online education platform and an organization with which he has produced over 6,500 video lessons teaching a wide spectrum of academic subjects, originally focusing on mathematics and sciences. He is also the founder of...
jnu professor himanshu -
The economy is in a trough. The first quarter of 2017-2018 saw the growth of gross domestic product (the total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year) drop to 5.7% from 7.9% in the corresponding period last year – the lowest rate in...
Professor Luciano Floridi -
Luciano Floridi is a Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, where he is also the Director of the Digital Ethics Lab of the Oxford Internet Institute. In addition to that, he is a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics...
Interview with MIT Professor Vivienne Sze -
I recently caught up with Vivienne Sze, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, to discuss the launch of a new professional education course titled, “Designing Efficient Deep Learning Systems.” The two-day class will run from March 28-29, 2018 at the Samsung Campus in Mountain View,...
Professor Joachim Luther - deskworldwide
Professor Joachim Luther has spent over 30 years engaging in the physics and the development of renewable energies and is currently working at Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS). Q. How has the turmoil in the global solar PV market since SERIS' inauguration in April 2008 impacted the institute and...
Interview with Carol S. Dweck -
Carol S. Dweck is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton professor of psychology at Stanford University. She has previously worked at Columbia and Harvard universities, and at the University of Illinois. Her research examines the origins of people’s self-conceptions, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement....
Prof. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann has pioneered research into virtual humans over the last 30 years. She obtained several Bachelor's and Master's degrees in various disciplines (Psychology, Biology and Biochemistry) and a PhD in Quantum Physics from the University of Geneva in 1977. From 1977 to 1989, she was a...
Desk Worldwide sits down with crime novelist Claire McGowan to discuss the importance of dialogue and her path to publication. Claire's writing inspiration I think that I've always written most of my life. I've always been the kind of person that has a lot of ideas. I don't know if everyone...
Catherine Quinn, bestselling author of The Thief Taker, tells Writers & Artists what inspires her to write and shares her advice for writers looking to get published. A couple of easy questions to begin with…First off, what inspires you to write?  I always find these kind of questions really hard! Nothing in...