
All latest news in “Europe” available here. Latest breaking news, daily news and hot news of European politics, business, sports, health, technology and so on

Russia spied on Skripal and daughter for at least 5 years: UK

Russia’s intelligence agencies spied on former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia for at least five years before they were attacked with...
North Rail

Northern trains strike in UK: Fresh walkout in guards row

Members of the RMT union argue passenger safety would be put at risk by scrapping the role of guards. The rail company said driver-only operated...

Denmark bans Islamic full-face veil in public

The Danish parliament passed a law on Thursday banning the wearing of full-face veils in public."Anyone who wears a garment that hides the face...

At least 53 die in Russia shopping mall fire

At least 53 people were killed by a fire in a shopping mall in the Siberian city of Kemerovo, Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry said...