
All latest news in “Europe” available here. Latest breaking news, daily news and hot news of European politics, business, sports, health, technology and so on

Multiple countries expel Russian diplomats over Skripal attack

A number of countries across Europe and North America are expelling Russian diplomats in a coordinated response to the nerve agent attack on a...

At least 53 die in Russia shopping mall fire

At least 53 people were killed by a fire in a shopping mall in the Siberian city of Kemerovo, Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry said...
North Rail

Northern trains strike in UK: Fresh walkout in guards row

Members of the RMT union argue passenger safety would be put at risk by scrapping the role of guards. The rail company said driver-only operated...
international womens day -

Happy International Women’s Day 2018 International Women’s Day is held on March 8th each year to celebrate women’s economic, political, and cultural achievements. Google Search Trends data shows that the...
facebook broke germany law -

Facebook broke German privacy laws, court rules

Privacy rights campaigners are claiming victory over Facebook in a German legal battle. It follows a regional court ruling that found some of the social...